[ CCode ( cname = "int" , cprefix = "_PC_" , has_type_id = false ) ]
public enum PathConfName
Enum values:
nonzero if the chown call may not be used on this file. If fd or path refer to a directory, then this applies to all files in that directory.
- LINK_MAX - Returns the maximum
number of links to the file. If fd or path refer to a directory, then the value applies to the whole directory.
- MAX_CANON - Returns the maximum
length of a formatted input line, where fd or path must refer to a terminal.
- MAX_INPUT - Returns the maximum
length of an input line, where fd or path must refer to a terminal.
- NAME_MAX - Returns the maximum
length of a filename in the directory path or fd that the process is allowed to create.
- NO_TRUNC - Returns nonzero if
accessing filenames longer than #Posix.PathConfName.NAME_MAX generates an error.
- PATH_MAX - Returns the maximum
length of a relative pathname when path or fd is the current working directory.
- PIPE_BUF - Returns the size of the
pipe buffer, where fd must refer to a pipe or FIFO and path must refer to a FIFO.
- VDISABLE - Returns nonzero if
special character processing can be disabled, where fd or path must refer to a terminal.