Example listing:

  1. String to bool
  2. Bool to string
  3. String to bool, with error detection
  4. General samples
  5. Clamp
  6. Determine the character as a decimal digit
  7. Determine whether a character is alphanumeric
  8. Determines whether a character is alphabetic
  9. Determine whether a character is a control character
  10. Determine whether a character is digit
  11. Determine whether a character is a printing character and not a space
  12. Determine whether a character is an lower case letter
  13. Determine whether a character is a printing character
  14. Determine whether a character is a punctuation character
  15. Determine whether a character is a white- space character
  16. Determine whether a character is an upper case letter
  17. Determine whether a character is an upper case letter
  18. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  19. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  20. Convert a character to lower case
  21. Char to string
  22. Convert a character to upper case
  23. Convert a char-digit to hex-digit
  24. Clamp
  25. Convert a double to a string (Buffer)
  26. Infinity
  27. Check whether a double is finite
  28. Check whether a double represents infinity
  29. Check whether the double represents a number
  30. Determines if the given double is normal
  31. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  32. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  33. Double and NAN
  34. String to double
  35. Double to string (with buffer)
  36. Double to string
  37. String to double, with error detection
  38. Clamp
  39. Infinity
  40. Check whether a float is finite
  41. Check whether a float is infinite
  42. Check whether the double represents a number
  43. Determines if the given floating point number is normal
  44. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  45. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  46. Double and NAN
  47. Float to string
  48. General samples
  49. Append a single value
  50. Append values
  51. Simple array access
  52. Insert a single value
  53. Insert values
  54. Prepend a single value
  55. Prepend values
  56. Remove a element
  57. Remove a element (fast)
  58. Remove all elements in a given range
  59. Sets the size of the array
  60. Async queue
  61. Base64, decode
  62. Base64, encode
  63. Compute the numbers of bits used to store a given number
  64. Compute the checksum of a string (convenience function)
  65. Compute the checksum of a file
  66. Compare functions
  67. Conditions
  68. Logging, critical
  69. Logging, debug
  70. Directory listing
  71. List all environment variables
  72. Locate the executable
  73. Get the value of an environment variable
  74. Get the names of all variables set in the environment
  75. Logging, error
  76. Exception sample
  77. Reset the error flags and the GLib.FileStream.EOF indicator
  78. Check if the end of file has been reached
  79. Check the given stream for errors
  80. Flush the stream
  81. Read chars from the stream
  82. Read chars from a stream
  83. Write a formatted string to the stream
  84. Write a char to the stream
  85. Write a string to the stream
  86. Read n bytes
  87. Read a line
  88. Move the stream to the beginning of the file
  89. Read a formatted string
  90. Change the current position
  91. Get current position
  92. "Unget" a character
  93. Write a formatted string to the stream (va_list)
  94. Write a byte-buffer to the stream
  95. Test whether a file exists, is executable, is a directory, a symlink or regular
  96. Add a value to the end of the array
  97. Get the stored data
  98. Apply a function to each element
  99. Get the nth entry
  100. Get the number of stored items
  101. Remove the first occurrence of the given data
  102. Remove the first occurrence of the given data, fast
  103. Remove the nth element
  104. Remove the nth element, fast
  105. Remove a range of elements
  106. Set the item at the specified index
  107. Sort all items
  108. Sort all items (with data)
  109. Add a element to the set
  110. Add a element to the set
  111. Check if key is in the table
  112. Predicate based search
  113. Apply a function to each element
  114. Filter all entries
  115. Get the value for a key
  116. Get the keys
  117. Get all values
  118. Create hash tables with hash/cmp functions for different types
  119. Inserts new keys and values
  120. Lookup
  121. Removes a entry
  122. Remove all entries
  123. Replace a value
  124. Associate a value with a key
  125. Return the number of stored entries
  126. HashTable, iter
  127. Watch a file with IOChannel
  128. KeyFile handling
  129. Append a value
  130. Concatenate two lists
  131. Create a copy
  132. Delete a link
  133. Find the link which contains the given data
  134. Find the link containing the given data, custom
  135. Get the first element
  136. Apply a function to each element
  137. Get the link-position containing the given data
  138. Insert
  139. Insert before
  140. Insert, sorted
  141. Insert, sorted (with data)
  142. Get the last element
  143. Get the length
  144. Get the nth element
  145. Get the data of the nth element
  146. Get the element n places before a link
  147. Get the position of a link
  148. Prepend a value
  149. Remove a value
  150. Removes all links
  151. Remove a link
  152. Reverse
  153. Sort all items
  154. Sort all items (with data)
  155. MainLoop
  156. Map a file and print its content and size
  157. GMarkup-Parser
  158. Arc cosine (double)
  159. Arc cosine (float)
  160. Arc sine (double)
  161. Arc sine (float)
  162. Arc tangent (double)
  163. Arc tangent (float)
  164. Arc tangent of y/x (double)
  165. Arc tangent of y/x (float)
  166. Rounds x upward (float)
  167. Cosine (double)
  168. Rounds x upward (double)
  169. Cosine (float)
  170. Rounds x downward (double)
  171. Rounds x downward (float)
  172. Round double to int64
  173. Round float to int64
  174. Round double to long
  175. Round float to long
  176. Calculate x^y (double)
  177. Calculate x^y (float)
  178. Calculate 10^x (double)
  179. Calculate 10^x (float)
  180. Round (double)
  181. Round (float)
  182. Sine (double)
  183. Sine (float)
  184. Square root (double)
  185. Square root (float)
  186. Tangent (double)
  187. Tangent (float)
  188. Compare two blocks of memory
  189. Copy bytes from src to dest
  190. Copy n bytes
  191. Move block of memory
  192. Fill block of memory
  193. Logging, message
  194. Mutex
  195. Commandline parsing
  196. Build a file name
  197. Build a path
  198. Get the directory separator
  199. Get the directory separator as string
  200. Get the basename
  201. Get the directory name
  202. Check whether a path is absolute
  203. Check whether a character is a directory separator
  204. Get the search path separator
  205. Get the search path separator as string
  206. Skip the root component
  207. Match a string against a pattern
  208. Compare two compiled pattern specs
  209. Match a string against a compiled pattern (full)
  210. Match a string against a compiled pattern
  211. Cause abnormal program termination (Abort)
  212. Terminate the program
  213. Spawn, async
  214. Spawn with pipes, async
  215. Spawn a command line, async
  216. Spawn a command line, sync
  217. Spawn, sync
  218. Add a pointer
  219. Apply a function to each element
  220. Get the nth pointer
  221. Get the length
  222. Create a PtrArray with a free-function
  223. Remove a value
  224. Remove, fast
  225. Remove index
  226. Remove index, fast
  227. Remove range
  228. Set a free func
  229. Sort all items
  230. Quarks
  231. Clear
  232. Copy
  233. Delete a link
  234. Find
  235. Find custom
  236. Get the length
  237. Get the index of data
  238. Insert after
  239. Insert before
  240. Insert sorted
  241. Check if a Queue is empty
  242. Get the length
  243. Peek head
  244. Peek nth
  245. Peek tail
  246. Pop head
  247. Pop nth
  248. Pop tail
  249. Push head
  250. Push nth
  251. Push tail
  252. Remove
  253. Remove all
  254. Reverse
  255. Sort all items
  256. Queues and Stacks
  257. RecMutex, nested critical sections
  258. Regex, escape string
  259. Regex, match
  260. Match, simple
  261. Regex, replace
  262. Replace literal
  263. Split simple
  264. RW-Locks
  265. Append a value
  266. Apply a function to each element
  267. Foreach, range
  268. Foreach, range
  269. Get data that a iter points to
  270. Get the begin iterator
  271. Get the end iterator
  272. Get the nth iter
  273. Get the length
  274. Insert before
  275. Insert before
  276. Insert sorted
  277. Insert sorted, iter
  278. Lookup
  279. Lookup, iter-based
  280. Move
  281. Move
  282. Move a range
  283. Move a range
  284. Prepend
  285. Get the midpoint of a range
  286. Get the midpoint of a range
  287. Remove
  288. Remove
  289. Remove a range
  290. Remove a range
  291. Search
  292. Search, iter-based
  293. Set the item at the specified position
  294. Set the item at the specified position
  295. Sort all items
  296. Sort a single value
  297. Moves the data pointed to a new position as indicated by cmp_func
  298. Moves the data pointed to a new position as indicated by cmp_func
  299. Moves the data pointed to a new position as indicated by cmp_func (iter-based)
  300. Moves the data pointed to a new position as indicated by cmp_func (iter-based)
  301. Swap
  302. Swap
  303. Sequence, iter
  304. Parse a command line into an argument vector
  305. Quote a string
  306. Unquote a string
  307. Append a value
  308. Concatenate two lists
  309. Copy
  310. Delete a link
  311. Find the link containing the given data
  312. Find the link containing the given data, custom
  313. Apply a function to each element
  314. Get the link-position containing the given data
  315. Insert
  316. Insert, before
  317. Insert, sorted
  318. Insert, sorted with data
  319. Get the last container
  320. Length
  321. Get the nth link
  322. Get the nth item
  323. Gets the position of the given link
  324. Prepend
  325. Remove a entry
  326. Remove all
  327. Remove a link
  328. Reverse
  329. Sort all items
  330. Sort all items (with data)
  331. Get the closest prime number
  332. Append a string
  333. Append a char
  334. Append n bytes of a string
  335. Append a formatted string
  336. Append a unichar
  337. Append a formatted string (va_list)
  338. Override the content
  339. Erase
  340. Insert
  341. Insert unichar
  342. Prepend a string
  343. Prepend a char
  344. Prepend n bytes of a string
  345. Prepend a unichar
  346. Write a formatted string to the builder
  347. Cuts off the end of the builder
  348. Write a formatted string to the builder, va_list
  349. Register a new test case
  350. Bug tracker integration
  351. Mark a test as failed
  352. Test, initialization
  353. Print a message
  354. Timers
  355. Reproducible random bits
  356. Reproducible random doubles
  357. Reproducible random constricted doubles
  358. Reproducible random integers
  359. Reproducible random constricted integers
  360. Runs all tests under the toplevel suite
  361. Assert that the last test subprocess failed
  362. Assert that the last test subprocess passed
  363. Assert stderr
  364. Assert stderr, unmatched
  365. Assert stdout
  366. Assert stdout, unmatched
  367. Run a case in a subprocess (deprecated)
  368. Run a case in a subprocess
  369. Check the result of the last fork
  370. Add a timeout to a test
  371. Threads
  372. Thread pools
  373. Timeout sources
  374. Timers
  375. Apply a function to each element
  376. Get the height of the tree
  377. Inserts a new key and value
  378. Lookup
  379. Lookup, extended
  380. Get the number of nodes
  381. Remove a key/value pair
  382. Inserts/replace a new key and value
  383. Search a Tree using a tree-search-func
  384. Search a Tree using a search-func
  385. Escape strings
  386. Split an URI list
  387. Parse scheme
  388. Unescape segments
  389. Unescape strings
  390. Get a copy of the byte string
  391. Get a copy of the string
  392. Get a copy of the string array
  393. Get a boolean
  394. Get a byte
  395. Get a byte string
  396. Get a double
  397. Get a int16
  398. Get a int32
  399. Get a int64
  400. Get a string
  401. Get a string array
  402. Get the type string for the type
  403. Get a uint16
  404. Get a uint32
  405. Get a uint64
  406. Check if a string is a valid D-Bus type signature
  407. Variant iterators
  408. Create a new bool Variant
  409. Create a new byte Variant
  410. Create a new byte string Variant
  411. Create a new byte string[] Variant
  412. Create a new double Variant
  413. Get a copy of the byte string[]
  414. Get a byte string[]
  415. Create a new int16 Variant
  416. Create a new int32 Variant
  417. Create a new int64 Variant
  418. Create a new string Variant
  419. Create a new string[] Variant
  420. Create a new uint16 Variant
  421. Create a new uint32 Variant
  422. Create a new uint64 Variant
  423. Create a new variant with a type string
  424. VariantBuilder
  425. Variant iter
  426. Logging, warning
  427. Compute the absolute value
  428. Clamp
  429. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  430. Get the maximum value which can be held in a int
  431. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  432. Get the minimum value which can be held in a int
  433. String to int
  434. Int to big endian
  435. Int to little endian
  436. Into to pointer
  437. Int to string
  438. Clamp
  439. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  440. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  441. Int8 to string
  442. Clamp
  443. printf, int16
  444. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  445. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  446. Int16 to string
  447. Clamp
  448. printf, int32
  449. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  450. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  451. Int32 to string
  452. Compute the absolute value
  453. Clamp
  454. printf, int64
  455. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  456. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  457. String to int64
  458. Int64 to string
  459. String to int64, with error detection
  460. Compute the absolute value
  461. Clamp
  462. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  463. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  464. String to long
  465. Long to string
  466. Sort all items
  467. Clamp
  468. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  469. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  470. Short to string
  471. Clamp
  472. printf, size_t
  473. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  474. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  475. Size_t to string
  476. Clamp
  477. printf, ssize_t
  478. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  479. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  480. Ssize_t to string
  481. Write to stderr
  482. Read from stdin
  483. Write to stdout
  484. Compare strings, ignoring the case
  485. Compare n bytes of strings, ignoring the case
  486. Replace invalid chars
  487. Utf8-handling, length in characters
  488. Remove trailing whitespace
  489. Remove trailing whitespace (inline)
  490. Remove leading whitespace from a string
  491. Remove leading whitespace from a string (inline)
  492. Concatenate given strings
  493. Check if a needle exists in string
  494. Replace any delimiter characters with another one
  495. Replace any delimiter characters with another one (inline)
  496. Converts all characters to lowercase
  497. Copy a string
  498. Escapes special characters
  499. Unescape special characters
  500. Utf8-handling, get_char
  501. Utf8-handling, get_next_char
  502. Utf8-handling, get_prev_char
  503. Check whether the string begins with a prefix
  504. Check whether the string ends with a suffix
  505. Find the leftmost occurrence of the given string
  506. Find the leftmost occurrence of the given unichar
  507. Convert a character index to a byte index
  508. Joins a number of strings
  509. Join a string-array to a single string
  510. Find the rightmost occurrence of a string
  511. Find the rightmost occurrence of the given char
  512. Get the byte-length
  513. Fill a string with n chars
  514. Utf8-handling, normalization
  515. Utf8-handling, prev_char
  516. Format a string with printf
  517. Replace all occurrences of a string
  518. Reverse a string
  519. Search for the last occurrence of a substring
  520. Parse a string with scanf
  521. Extract text from one string
  522. Remove a portion of the string and replaces it
  523. Split a string
  524. Split a string, multiple delimiters
  525. Remove leading and trailing whitespace
  526. Removes leading and trailing whitespace (inline)
  527. Substring
  528. String ... to string
  529. Convert all lowercase ASCII letters to uppercase
  530. General samples
  531. Check position for a valid char
  532. Format a string with printf
  533. Clamp
  534. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  535. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  536. Uchar to string
  537. Clamp
  538. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  539. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  540. Uint to string
  541. Clamp
  542. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  543. Get the maximum value which can be held in a uint8
  544. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  545. Get the minimum value which can be held in a uint8
  546. Uint8 to string
  547. Clamp
  548. printf, uint16
  549. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  550. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  551. Uint16 to string
  552. Clamp
  553. printf, uint32
  554. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  555. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  556. Uint32 to string
  557. Clamp
  558. printf, uint64
  559. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  560. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  561. String to uint64
  562. Uint64 to string
  563. String to uint64, with error detection
  564. Clamp
  565. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  566. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  567. Ulong to string
  568. Clamp
  569. Determine whether a character is alphanumeric
  570. Determine whether a character is alphabetic
  571. Determine whether a character is digit
  572. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  573. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  574. Unichar to string
  575. Clamp
  576. Calculate the maximum via .max()
  577. Calculate the minimum via .min()
  578. Ushort to string
  579. Variable Arguments