GLib provides the core application building blocks for libraries and applications written in C. It provides the core object system used in GNOME, the main loop implementation, and a large set of utility functions for strings and common data structures.
- Home:
- C-Documentation:
- Example listing
- GLib
- Array -
- AsyncQueue -
- BookmarkFile
- BusName
- ByteArray
- Bytes
- Checksum -
- ChildWatchSource
- Completion
- DateTime
- Dir -
- Error -
- FileStream - Used to control a I/O stream
- GenericArray -
- GenericSet
- HashTable -
- Hmac
- IOChannel -
- IOSource
- IdleSource
- KeyFile -
- List -
- MainContext
- MainContextPusher
- MainLoop -
- MappedFile -
- MarkupParseContext -
- MatchInfo
- MemVTable
- MutexLocker
- Node
- ObjectPath
- OptionContext -
- OptionGroup
- PatternSpec -
- Private
- PtrArray -
- Queue -
- RWLockReaderLocker
- RWLockWriterLocker
- Rand
- RecMutexLocker
- RefString
- Regex
- SList
- Scanner
- Sequence -
- SequenceIter -
- Source
- SourceCallbackFuncs
- StringBuilder
- StringChunk
- StrvBuilder
- TestCase
- TestSuite
- Thread -
- ThreadPool -
- TimeZone
- TimeoutSource -
- Timer -
- Tree -
- TreeNode
- Uri
- Variant -
- VariantBuilder -
- VariantDict
- VariantIter -
- VariantType
- Cond -
- Datalist
- Date
- DateDay
- DateYear
- DebugKey
- GenericSetIter
- HashTableIter -
- IConv
- LogField
- MarkupParser -
- Mutex -
- Once
- OptionEntry -
- Pid -
- PollFD
- Quark -
- RWLock -
- RecMutex -
- ScannerConfig
- SourceFuncs
- Stat
- StaticMutex
- StaticPrivate
- StaticRWLock
- StaticRecMutex
- Time - Structure holding a calendar date and time broken down into its components.
- TimeSpan
- TimeVal
- TokenValue
- UTimBuf - Specifies access and modification times for a files
- UriParamsIter
- pointer
- ByteOrder
- ChecksumType
- CompareOperator - Comparison operators for use with GLib.assert_cmp*() functions
- DateDMY
- DateMonth
- DateWeekday
- ErrorType
- FileSeek
- FileSetContentsFlags
- FileTest -
- FormatSizeFlags
- IOCondition
- IOFlags
- IOStatus
- KeyFileFlags
- LocaleCategory
- LogLevelFlags
- LogWriterOutput
- MainContextFlags
- MarkupParseFlags
- NormalizeMode
- OnceStatus
- OptionArg -
- OptionFlags
- ProcessSignal
- RegexCompileFlags
- RegexMatchFlags
- SeekType
- SliceConfig
- SpawnFlags
- TestSubprocessFlags
- TestTrapFlags
- ThreadPriority
- TimeType
- TokenType
- TraverseFlags
- TraverseType
- UnicodeBreakType
- UnicodeScript
- UnicodeType
- UriFlags
- UriHideFlags
- UriParamsFlags
- UserDirectory
- BookmarkFileError
- ConvertError
- FileError
- IOChannelError
- KeyFileError
- MarkupError
- NumberParserError
- OptionError
- RegexError
- ShellError
- SpawnError
- ThreadError
- UriError
- VariantParseError
- public const ByteOrder BYTE_ORDER
- public const string OPTION_REMAINING
- public delegate bool ArraySearchFunc<G,T> (G element, T needle)
- public delegate void ChildWatchFunc (Pid pid, int wait_status)
- public delegate int CompareDataFunc<G> (G a, G b)
- public delegate int CompareFunc<G> (G a, G b)
- public delegate string CompletionFunc (void* item)
- public delegate int CompletionStrncmpFunc (string s1, string s2, size_t n)
- public delegate G CopyFunc<G> (G src)
- public delegate void DataForeachFunc<G> (Quark key_id, G data)
- public delegate void DestroyNotify (void* data)
- public delegate G DuplicateFunc<G> (G data)
- public delegate bool EqualFunc<G> (G a, G b)
- public delegate bool EqualFuncFull<G> (G a, G b)
- public delegate void FreeFunc (void* data)
- public delegate void Func<G> (G data)
- public delegate void HFunc<K,V> (K key, V value)
- public delegate bool HRFunc<K,V> (K key, V value)
- public delegate uint HashFunc<K> (K key)
- public delegate bool IOFunc (IOChannel source, IOCondition condition)
- public delegate bool LogFatalFunc (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_levels, string message)
- public delegate void LogFunc (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_levels, string message)
- public delegate LogWriterOutput LogWriterFunc (LogLevelFlags log_level, LogField[] fields)
- public delegate void MarkupParserEndElementFunc (MarkupParseContext context, string element_name) throws MarkupError
- public delegate void MarkupParserErrorFunc (MarkupParseContext context, Error error)
- public delegate void MarkupParserPassthroughFunc (MarkupParseContext context, string passthrough_text, size_t text_len) throws MarkupError
- public delegate void MarkupParserStartElementFunc (MarkupParseContext context, string element_name, string[] attribute_names, string[] attribute_values) throws MarkupError
- public delegate void MarkupParserTextFunc (MarkupParseContext context, string text, size_t text_len) throws MarkupError
- public delegate void NodeForeachFunc<G> (Node<G> node)
- public delegate bool NodeTraverseFunc<G> (Node<G> node)
- public delegate G OnceFunc<G> ()
- public delegate bool OptionArgFunc (string option_name, string val, void* data) throws OptionError
- public delegate void OptionErrorFunc (OptionContext context, OptionGroup group, void* data, ref Error error)
- public delegate bool OptionParseFunc (OptionContext context, OptionGroup group, void* data) throws OptionError
- public delegate int PollFunc (PollFD[] ufds, int timeout_)
- public delegate void PrintFunc (string text)
- public delegate bool RegexEvalCallback (MatchInfo match_info, StringBuilder result)
- public delegate void ScannerMsgFunc (Scanner scanner, string message, bool error)
- public delegate int SearchFunc<G,T> (G a, T b)
- public delegate int SequenceIterCompareFunc<G> (SequenceIter<G> a, SequenceIter<G> b)
- public delegate void SignalHandlerFunc (int signum)
- public delegate void SourceCallbackGetFunc (void* cb_data, Source source, SourceFunc func)
- public delegate void SourceCallbackRefFunc (void* cb_data)
- public delegate void SourceCallbackUnrefFunc (void* cb_data)
- public delegate bool SourceCheckFunc (Source source)
- public delegate bool SourceDispatchFunc (Source source, SourceFunc? _callback)
- public delegate void SourceDisposeFunc (Source source)
- public delegate void SourceDummyMarshal ()
- public delegate void SourceFinalizeFunc (Source source)
- public delegate bool SourceFunc ()
- public delegate bool SourceOnceFunc ()
- public delegate bool SourcePrepareFunc (Source source, out int timeout_)
- public delegate void SpawnChildSetupFunc ()
- public delegate void TestDataFunc ()
- public delegate void TestFixtureFunc (void* fixture)
- public delegate void TestFunc ()
- public delegate G ThreadFunc<G> ()
- public delegate void ThreadPoolFunc<G> (owned G data)
- public delegate unowned string TranslateFunc (string str)
- public delegate bool TraverseFunc<K,V> (K key, V value)
- public delegate bool TraverseNodeFunc<K,V> (TreeNode<K,V> node)
- public delegate int TreeSearchFunc<K> (K key)
- public delegate void VoidFunc ()
- public unowned string C_ (string context, string str)
- public unowned string NC_ (string context, string str)
- public unowned string N_ (string str)
- public unowned string Q_ (string str)
- public unowned string _ (string str)
- public void assert (bool expr)
- public void assert_cmpfloat (double n1, CompareOperator cmp, double n2)
- public void assert_cmpfloat_with_epsilon (double n1, double n2, double epsilon)
- public void assert_cmphex (uint n1, CompareOperator cmp, uint n2)
- public void assert_cmpint (int n1, CompareOperator cmp, int n2)
- public void assert_cmpmem (uint8[] m1, uint8[] m2)
- public void assert_cmpstr (string? s1, CompareOperator cmp, string? s2)
- public void assert_cmpstrv (string[] strv1, string[] strv2)
- public void assert_cmpuint (uint n1, CompareOperator cmp, uint n2)
- public void assert_cmpvariant (Variant v1, Variant v2)
- public void assert_error (Error? error, Quark error_domain, int error_code)
- public void assert_false (bool expr)
- public void assert_no_error (Error? error)
- public void assert_nonnull (void* expr)
- public void assert_not_reached ()
- public void assert_null (void* expr)
- public void assert_true (bool expr)
- public void breakpoint ()
- public string convert (string str, ssize_t len, string to_codeset, string from_codeset, out size_t bytes_read = null, out size_t bytes_written = null) throws ConvertError
- public string convert_with_fallback (string str, ssize_t len, string to_codeset, string from_codeset, string? fallback = null, out size_t bytes_read = null, out size_t bytes_written = null) throws ConvertError
- public string convert_with_iconv (string str, ssize_t len, IConv converter, out size_t bytes_read = null, out size_t bytes_written = null) throws ConvertError
- public void critical (string format, ...)
- public unowned string dcgettext (string? domain, string msgid, int category)
- public void debug (string format, ...)
- public void debug_here ()
- public unowned string dgettext (string? domain, string msgid)
- public unowned string dngettext (string? domain, string msgid, string msgid_plural, ulong n)
- public unowned string dpgettext (string? domain, string msgctxid, size_t msgidoffset)
- public unowned string dpgettext2 (string? domain, string context, string msgid)
- public void error (string format, ...)
- public string format_size (uint64 size, FormatSizeFlags flags = DEFAULT)
- public string format_size_for_display (int64 size)
- public void free (void* mem)
- public bool get_charset (out unowned string charset)
- public bool get_console_charset (out unowned string[] charsets)
- public bool get_filename_charsets (out unowned string[] charsets)
- public int64 get_monotonic_time ()
- public uint get_num_processors ()
- public int64 get_real_time ()
- public unowned string gettext (string str)
- public void info (string format, ...)
- public bool likely (bool expression)
- public void log (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_level, string format, ...)
- public void log_structured (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_levels, ...)
- public void log_structured_array (LogLevelFlags log_levels, LogField[] fields)
- public void log_variant (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_levels, Variant fields)
- public void logv (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_level, string format, va_list args)
- public void* malloc (size_t n_bytes)
- public void* malloc0 (size_t n_bytes)
- public bool mem_is_system_malloc ()
- public void mem_profile ()
- public void mem_set_vtable (MemVTable vtable)
- public void message (string format, ...)
- public unowned string ngettext (string msgid, string msgid_plural, ulong n)
- public void on_error_query (string? prg_name = null)
- public void on_error_stack_trace (string? prg_name = null)
- public uint parse_debug_string (string? debug_string, DebugKey[] keys)
- public int poll (PollFD[] fds, int timeout)
- public void print (string format, ...)
- public void printerr (string format, ...)
- public void qsort_with_data<T> (T[] elems, size_t size, CompareDataFunc<T> compare_func)
- public void* realloc (void* mem, size_t n_bytes)
- public void return_if_fail (bool expr)
- public void return_if_reached ()
- public void return_val_if_fail (bool expr, ...)
- public void return_val_if_reached (...)
- public void set_print_handler (PrintFunc func)
- public void set_printerr_handler (PrintFunc func)
- public void static_assert (bool expression)
- public string strdup (string str)
- public string[] strdupv (string[] str_array)
- public unowned string strerror (int errnum)
Returns a string corresponding to the given error code, e.g. "no such process".
- public void strfreev (unowned string** str_array)
- public unowned string strsignal (int signum)
- public bool strv_contains (string[] str_array, string str)
- public uint strv_length (string[] str_array)
- public void* try_malloc (size_t n_bytes)
- public void* try_malloc0 (size_t n_bytes)
- public void* try_realloc (void* mem, size_t n_bytes)
- public bool unlikely (bool expression)
- public void warn_if_fail (bool expr)
- public void warn_if_reached ()
- public void warning (string format, ...)
- public void warning_once (string format, ...)
- public EqualFunc<void*> direct_equal
- public HashFunc<void*> direct_hash
- public EqualFunc<double?> double_equal
- public HashFunc<double?> double_hash
- public int errno
A preprocessor macro that expands to a thread-local modifiable lvalue of type int.
- public DestroyNotify g_free
- public DestroyNotify g_list_free
- public DestroyNotify g_variant_unref
- public EqualFunc<int64?> int64_equal
- public HashFunc<int64?> int64_hash
- public EqualFunc<int?> int_equal
- public HashFunc<int?> int_hash
- public MemVTable mem_profiler_table
- public FileStream stderr
The error stream
- public FileStream stdin
The input stream
- public FileStream stdout
The output stream
- public EqualFunc<string> str_equal
- public HashFunc<string> str_hash
- public CompareFunc<string?> strcmp
- public EqualFunc<string[]> strv_equal
- Aligned
- public void* alloc (size_t n_blocks, size_t n_blocks_bytes, size_t alignment)
- public void* alloc0 (size_t n_blocks, size_t n_blocks_bytes, size_t alignment)
- public void free (void* mem)
- AtomicInt
- public int @get (ref int atomic)
- public void @set (ref int atomic, int newval)
- public int add (ref int atomic, int val)
- public bool compare_and_exchange (ref int atomic, int oldval, int newval)
- public bool compare_and_exchange_full (ref int atomic, int oldval, int newval, out int preval)
- public bool dec_and_test (ref int atomic)
- public int exchange (ref int atomic, int newval)
- public int exchange_and_add (ref int atomic, int val)
- public void inc (ref int atomic)
- AtomicPointer
- public void* @get (void** atomic)
- public void @set (void** atomic, void* newval)
- public bool compare_and_exchange (void** atomic, void* oldval, void* newval)
- public bool compare_and_exchange_full (void** atomic, void* oldval, void* newval, out void* preval)
- AtomicUint
- public uint @get (ref uint atomic)
- public void @set (ref uint atomic, uint newval)
- public uint add (ref uint atomic, uint val)
- public bool compare_and_exchange (ref uint atomic, uint oldval, uint newval)
- public bool compare_and_exchange_full (ref uint atomic, uint oldval, uint newval, out uint preval)
- public bool dec_and_test (ref uint atomic)
- public uint exchange (ref uint atomic, uint newval)
- public uint exchange_and_add (ref uint atomic, uint val)
- public void inc (ref uint atomic)
- Base64
- public uchar[] decode (string text)
- public size_t decode_step (char[] _in, uchar* _out, ref int state, ref uint save)
- public string encode (uchar[] data)
- public size_t encode_close (bool break_lines, char* _out, ref int state, ref int save)
- public size_t encode_step (uchar[] _in, bool break_lines, char* _out, ref int state, ref int save)
- Bit
- public int nth_lsf (ulong mask, int nth_bit)
- public int nth_msf (ulong mask, int nth_bit)
- public uint storage (ulong number)
- CharacterSet
- public const string A_2_Z
- public const string DIGITS
- public const string LATINC
- public const string LATINS
- public const string a_2_z
- ChildWatch -
- public uint add (Pid pid, owned ChildWatchFunc function, int priority = DEFAULT_IDLE)
- public uint add_full (int priority, Pid pid, owned ChildWatchFunc function)
- DirUtils
- public int create (string pathname, int mode)
- public int create_with_parents (string pathname, int mode)
- public string make_tmp (string tmpl) throws FileError
- public string mkdtemp (owned string template)
- public int remove (string filename)
- Environ
- public string[] @get ()
- public unowned string? get_variable (string[]? envp, string variable)
- public string[] set_variable (owned string[]? envp, string variable, string value, bool overwrite = true)
- public string[] unset_variable (owned string[]? envp, string variable)
- Environment
- public void atexit (VoidFunc func)
- public string? find_program_in_path (string program)
- public unowned string? get_application_name ()
- public string get_current_dir ()
- public unowned string get_home_dir ()
- public unowned string get_host_name ()
- public string? get_os_info (string key_name)
- public unowned string get_prgname ()
- public unowned string get_real_name ()
- public unowned string[] get_system_config_dirs ()
- public unowned string[] get_system_data_dirs ()
- public unowned string get_tmp_dir ()
- public unowned string get_user_cache_dir ()
- public unowned string get_user_config_dir ()
- public unowned string get_user_data_dir ()
- public unowned string get_user_name ()
- public unowned string get_user_runtime_dir ()
- public unowned string get_user_special_dir (UserDirectory directory)
- public unowned string get_user_state_dir ()
- public unowned string? get_variable (string variable)
- public string[] list_variables ()
- public void set_application_name (string application_name)
- public int set_current_dir (string path)
- public void set_prgname (string application_name)
- public bool set_variable (string variable, string value, bool overwrite)
- public void unset_variable (string variable)
- FileUtils
- public int chmod (string filename, int mode)
- public int close (int fd)
GLib.FileUtils.close closes a file descriptor, so that it no longer refers to any file and may be reused.
- public bool close_checked (int fd) throws FileError
- public int error_from_errno (int err_no)
- public int fsync (int fd)
- public bool get_contents (string filename, out string contents, out size_t length = null) throws FileError
- public bool get_data (string filename, out uint8[] contents) throws FileError
- public int mkstemp (string tmpl)
- public int open_tmp (string tmpl, out string name_used) throws FileError
- public string read_link (string filename) throws FileError
- public int remove (string filename)
- public int rename (string oldfilename, string newfilename)
- public bool set_contents (string filename, string contents, ssize_t length = -1) throws FileError
- public bool set_contents_full (string filename, string contents, ssize_t length = -1, FileSetContentsFlags flags = 0, int mode = 0666) throws FileError
- public bool set_data (string filename, uint8[] contents) throws FileError
- public int symlink (string oldpath, string newpath)
Creates a symbolic link
- public bool test (string filename, FileTest test)
- public int unlink (string filename)
- public int utime (string filename, UTimBuf? times = null)
- Filename
- public string canonicalize (string filename, string? relative_to = null)
- public string display_basename (string filename)
- public string display_name (string filename)
- public string from_uri (string uri, out string hostname = null) throws ConvertError
- public string from_utf8 (string utf8string, ssize_t len, out size_t bytes_read, out size_t bytes_written) throws ConvertError
- public string to_uri (string filename, string? hostname = null) throws ConvertError
- public string to_utf8 (string opsysstring, ssize_t len, out size_t bytes_read, out size_t bytes_written) throws ConvertError
- Hostname
- public bool is_ascii_encoded (string hostname)
- public bool is_ip_address (string hostname)
- public bool is_non_ascii (string hostname)
- public string to_ascii (string hostname)
- public string to_unicode (string hostname)
- Idle
- public uint add (owned SourceFunc function, int priority = DEFAULT_IDLE)
- public uint add_full (int priority, owned SourceFunc function)
- public uint add_once (SourceOnceFunc function)
- public bool remove_by_data (void* data)
- Intl
- public unowned string? bind_textdomain_codeset (string domainname, string? codeset)
- public unowned string? bindtextdomain (string domainname, string? dirname)
- public unowned string[] get_language_names ()
- public unowned string[] get_language_names_with_category (string category_name)
- public unowned string? setlocale (LocaleCategory category = ALL, string? locale = "")
Installs the specified system locale or its portion as the new C locale.
- public unowned string strip_context (string msgid, string msgval)
- public unowned string? textdomain (string? domainname)
- KeyFileDesktop
- public const string GROUP
- public const string KEY_ACTIONS
- public const string KEY_CATEGORIES
- public const string KEY_COMMENT
- public const string KEY_DBUS_ACTIVATABLE
- public const string KEY_EXEC
- public const string KEY_FULLNAME
- public const string KEY_GENERIC_NAME
- public const string KEY_GETTEXT_DOMAIN
- public const string KEY_HIDDEN
- public const string KEY_ICON
- public const string KEY_KEYWORDS
- public const string KEY_MIME_TYPE
- public const string KEY_NAME
- public const string KEY_NOT_SHOW_IN
- public const string KEY_NO_DISPLAY
- public const string KEY_ONLY_SHOW_IN
- public const string KEY_PATH
- public const string KEY_STARTUP_NOTIFY
- public const string KEY_STARTUP_WM_CLASS
- public const string KEY_TERMINAL
- public const string KEY_TRY_EXEC
- public const string KEY_TYPE
- public const string KEY_URL
- public const string KEY_VERSION
- public const string TYPE_APPLICATION
- public const string TYPE_DIRECTORY
- public const string TYPE_LINK
- Log
- public bool get_debug_enabled ()
- public void remove_handler (string? log_domain, uint handler_id)
- public LogLevelFlags set_always_fatal (LogLevelFlags log_levels)
- public void set_debug_enabled (bool enabled)
- public void set_default_handler (LogFunc log_func)
- public LogLevelFlags set_fatal_mask (string log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_levels)
- public uint set_handler (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_levels, LogFunc log_func)
- public void set_handler_full (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_levels, owned LogFunc log_func)
- public void set_writer_func (owned LogWriterFunc func)
- public void writer_default_set_use_stderr (bool use_stderr)
- public bool writer_default_would_drop (LogLevelFlags log_level, string log_domain)
- public string writer_format_fields (LogLevelFlags log_levels, LogField[] fields, bool use_color)
- public bool writer_is_journald (int output_fd)
- public bool writer_supports_color (int output_fd)
- public LogFunc default_handler
- public LogWriterFunc writer_default
- public LogWriterFunc writer_journald
- public LogWriterFunc writer_standard_streams
- Markup
- public bool collect_attributes (string element_name, string[] attribute_names, string[] attribute_values, ...) throws MarkupError
- public string escape_text (string text, ssize_t length = -1)
- public string printf_escaped (string format, ...)
- public string vprintf_escaped (string format, va_list args)
- Math
- public const double E
The base of natural logarithms.
- public const double LN10
- public const double LN2
- public const double LOG_2_BASE_10
- public const double PI
The value of pi (ratio of circle's circumference to its diameter).
- public const double PI_2
- public const double PI_4
- public const double SQRT2
- public double acos (double x)
Calculates the arc cosine of
. - public float acosf (float x)
Calculates the arc cosine of
. - public double acosh (double x)
Calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of
. - public float acoshf (float x)
Calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of
. - public double asin (double x)
Calculates the arc sine of
. - public float asinf (float x)
Calculates the arc sine of
. - public double asinh (double x)
Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of
, that is the value whose hyperbolic sine isx
. - public float asinhf (float x)
Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of
, that is the value whose hyperbolic sine isx
. - public double atan (double x)
Calculates the arc tangent of
. - public double atan2 (double y, double x)
Calculates the arc tangent of the two variables
. - public float atan2f (float y, float x)
Calculates the arc tangent of the two variables
. - public float atanf (float x)
Calculates the arc tangent of
. - public double atanh (double x)
Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of
. - public float atanhf (float x)
Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of
. - public double cbrt (double x)
Returns the (real) cube root of x.
- public float cbrtf (float x)
Returns the (real) cube root of
. - public double ceil (double x)
up to the nearest integer. - public float ceilf (float x)
up to the nearest integer. - public double copysign (double x, double y)
Returns a value whose absolute value matches that of
, but whose sign bit matches that ofy
. - public float copysignf (float x, float y)
Returns a value whose absolute value matches that of
, but whose sign bit matches that ofy
. - public double cos (double x)
Returns the cosine of
. - public float cosf (float x)
Returns the cosine of
. - public double cosh (double x)
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of
. - public float coshf (float x)
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of
. - public double drem (double x, double y)
Computes the remainder of dividing x by y.
- public float dremf (float x, float y)
Computes the remainder of dividing
. - public double erf (double x0)
Returns the error function of
. - public double erfc (double x0)
Returns the complementary error function of
, that is1.0 - erf(x0)
. - public float erfcf (float x0)
Returns the complementary error function of
, that is1.0 - erf(x0)
. - public float erff (float x0)
Returns the error function of x0.
- public double exp (double x)
Returns the value of the base of natural logarithms raised to the power of
. - public double exp10 (double x)
Returns the value of 10 raised to the power of
. - public float exp10f (float x)
Returns the value of 10 raised to the power of
. - public double exp2 (double x)
Returns the value of 2 raised to the power of
. - public float exp2f (float x)
Returns the value of 2 raised to the power of
. - public float expf (float x)
Returns the value of the base of natural logarithms raised to the power of
. - public double expm1 (double x)
Returns a value equivalent to
exp(x) - 1
. - public float expm1f (float x)
Returns a value equivalent to
exp(x) - 1
. - public double fabs (double x)
Returns the absolute value.
- public float fabsf (float x)
Returns the absolute value.
- public double fdim (double x, double y)
max(x - y, 0)
. - public float fdimf (float x, float y)
max(x - y, 0)
. - public int finite (double value)
Returns the value of not-a-number (NaN) checking.
- public int finitef (float value)
Returns the value of not-a-number ( float.NAN) checking.
- public double floor (double x)
down to the nearest integer. - public float floorf (float x)
down to the nearest integer. - public double fma (double x, double y, double z)
x * y + z
. - public float fmaf (float x, float y, float z)
x * y + z
. - public double fmax (double x, double y)
Returns the larger value of
. - public float fmaxf (float x, float y)
Returns the larger value of
. - public double fmin (double x, double y)
Returns the smaller value of
. - public float fminf (float x, float y)
Returns the smaller value of
. - public double fmod (double x, double y)
Computes the remainder of dividing
. - public float fmodf (float x, float y)
Computes the remainder of dividing
. - public double frexp (double x, out int exponent)
Split the number
into a normalized fraction and an exponent. - public float frexpf (float x, out int exponent)
Split the number
into a normalized fraction and an exponent. - public double gamma (double x0)
Computes the natural logarithm of the Gamma function.
- public float gammaf (float x0)
Computes the natural logarithm of the Gamma function.
- public double hypot (double x, double y)
Returns the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle with sides of length
, or the distance of the point(x,y)
from the origin. - public float hypotf (float x, float y)
Returns the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle.
- public int ilogb (double x)
Returns the exponent part of their argument as a signed integer.
- public int ilogbf (float x)
Returns the exponent part of their argument as a signed integer.
- public int isinf (double value)
- public int isinff (float value)
Returns the value of infinity checking.
- public int isnan (double value)
- public int isnanf (float value)
Returns a non-zero value if
is not-a-number ( float.NAN). - public double j0 (double x0)
Returns Bessel function of
of the first kind of order 0. - public float j0f (float x0)
Returns Bessel function of
of the first kind of order 0. - public double j1 (double x0)
Returns Bessel function of
of the first kind of order 1. - public float j1f (float x0)
Returns Bessel function of
of the first kind of order 1. - public double jn (int x0, double x1)
Returns Bessel function of
of the first kind of ordern
. - public float jnf (int x0, float x1)
Returns Bessel function of
of the first kind of ordern
. - public double ldexp (double x, int exponent)
Returns the result of multiplying the floating-point number
by 2 raised to the powerexponent
. - public float ldexpf (float x, int exponent)
Returns the result of multiplying the floating-point number
by 2 raised to the powerexponent
. - public double lgamma (double x0)
Returns the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma function.
- public double lgamma_r (double x0, out int signgamp)
Returns the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma function.
- public float lgamma_rf (float x0, out int signgamp)
Returns the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma function.
- public float lgammaf (float x0)
Returns the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma function.
- public int64 llrint (double x)
Rounds it's argument to the nearest integer value, using the current rounding direction.
- public int64 llrintf (float x)
Rounds it's argument to the nearest integer value, using the current rounding direction.
- public int64 llround (double x)
Rounds it's argument to the nearest integer value, rounding away from zero, regardless of the current rounding direction.
- public int64 llroundf (float x)
Rounds it's argument to the nearest integer value, rounding away from zero, regardless of the current rounding direction.
- public double log (double x)
Returns the natural logarithm of
. - public double log10 (double x)
Returns the base 10 logarithm of
. - public float log10f (float x)
Returns the base 10 logarithm of
. - public double log1p (double x)
Returns a value equivalent to
log(1 + x)
. - public float log1pf (float x)
Returns a value equivalent to
log(1 + x)
. - public double log2 (double x)
Returns the base 2 logarithm of
. - public float log2f (float x)
Returns the base 2 logarithm of
. - public double logb (double x)
Extracts the exponent of
and returns it as a floating-point value. - public float logbf (float x)
Extracts the exponent of x and returns it as a floating-point value.
- public float logf (float x)
Returns the natural logarithm of
. - public long lrint (double x)
Rounds it's argument to the nearest integer value, using the current rounding direction.
- public long lrintf (float x)
Rounds it's argument to the nearest integer value, using the current rounding direction.
- public long lround (double x)
Rounds it's argument to the nearest integer value, rounding away from zero, regardless of the current rounding direction.
- public long lroundf (float x)
Rounds it's argument to the nearest integer value, rounding away from zero, regardless of the current rounding direction.
- public double modf (double x, out double iptr)
Breaks the argument
into an integral part and a fractional part, each of which has the same sign asx
. - public float modff (float x, out float iptr)
Breaks the argument
into an integral part and a fractional part. each of which has the same sign asx
. - public double nan (string tagb)
Returns a representation (determined by
) of a quiet double.NAN. - public float nanf (string tagb)
Returns a representation (determined by
) of a quiet float.NAN. - public double nearbyint (double x)
Rounds argument
to an integer value in floating point format, using the current rounding direction and without raising the inexact exception. - public float nearbyintf (float x)
Rounds argument
to an integer value in floating point format, using the current rounding direction and without raising the inexact exception. - public double nextafter (double x, double y)
Returns the next representable neighbor of
in the direction towardsy
. - public float nextafterf (float x, float y)
Returns the next representable neighbor of
in the direction towardsy
. - public double nexttoward (double x, double y)
- public float nexttowardf (float x, double y)
- public double pow (double x, double y)
Returns the value of
raised to the power ofy
. - public double pow10 (double x)
Returns the value of 10 raised to the power of
. - public float pow10f (float x)
Returns the value of 10 raised to the power of
. - public float powf (float x, float y)
Returns the value of
raised to the power ofy
. - public double remainder (double x, double y)
Computes the remainder of dividing
. - public float remainderf (float x, float y)
Computes the remainder of dividing
. - public double remquo (double x, double y, out int quo)
Computes the remainder and part of the quotient upon division of
. - public float remquof (float x, float y, out int quo)
Computes the remainder and part of the quotient upon division of
. - public double rint (double x)
Rounds it's argument to an integer value in floating point format, using the current rounding direction and with raising the inexact exception.
- public float rintf (float x)
Rounds it's argument to an integer value in floating point format. using the current rounding direction and with raising the inexact exception.
- public double round (double x)
Rounds argument
to the nearest integer, but round halfway cases away from zero, (regardless of the current rounding direction), instead of to the nearest even integer like rint. - public float roundf (float x)
Rounds argument
to the nearest integer, but round halfway cases away from zero (regardless of the current rounding direction), instead of to the nearest even integer like rint. - public double scalb (double x, double n)
by 2 to the powern
. - public float scalbf (float x, float n)
by 2 to the powern
. - public double scalbln (double x, long n)
This function is equivalent to GLib.Math.ldexp.
- public float scalblnf (float x, long n)
This function is equivalent to Math.ldexp.
- public double scalbn (double x, int n)
Multiplies it's first argument
by 2 to the powern
. - public float scalbnf (float x, int n)
Multiplies it's first argument
by 2 to the powern
. - public double significand (double x)
Returns the mantissa of
scaled to the range[1,2]
. - public float significandf (float x)
Returns the mantissa of
scaled to the range[1,2]
. - public double sin (double x)
Returns the sine of
. - public void sincos (double x, out double sinx, out double cosx)
computes both sine and cosine of
at the same time. - public void sincosf (float x, out float sinx, out float cosx)
Computes both sine and cosine of
at the same time. - public float sinf (float x)
Returns the sine of
, wherex
is given in radians. - public double sinh (double x)
Returns the hyperbolic sine of
. - public float sinhf (float x)
returns the hyperbolic sine of
. - public double sqrt (double x)
Returns the non-negative square root of
. - public float sqrtf (float x)
Returns the non-negative square root of
. - public double tan (double x)
Returns the tangent of
, wherex
is given in radians. - public float tanf (float x)
Returns the tangent of
. - public double tanh (double x)
returns the hyperbolic tangent of
. - public float tanhf (float x)
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of
. - public double tgamma (double x0)
Returns the value of Gamma function for the argument
. - public float tgammaf (float x0)
Returns the value of Gamma function for the argument
. - public double trunc (double x)
Rounds argument
to the nearest integer not larger in absolute value. - public float truncf (float x)
Rounds argument
to the nearest integer not larger in absolute value. - public double y0 (double x0)
Returns Bessel function of
of the second kind of order 0. - public float y0f (float x0)
Returns Bessel function of x0 of the second kind of order 0.
- public double y1 (double x0)
Returns Bessel function of
of the second kind of order 1. - public float y1f (float x0)
Returns Bessel function of
of the second kind of order 1. - public double yn (int x0, double x1)
Returns Bessel function of
of the second kind of orderx0
. - public float ynf (int x0, float x1)
Returns Bessel function of
of the second kind of orderx0
. - Memory
- public void* @set (void* dest, int src, size_t n)
Copies src into each of the first count characters of the object pointed to by dest.
- public int cmp (void* s1, void* s2, size_t n)
Copies count characters from the object pointed to by src to the object pointed to by dest.
- public void* copy (void* dest, void* src, size_t n)
Copies count characters from the object pointed to by src to the object pointed to by dest.
- public void* dup (void* mem, uint n)
- public void* dup2 (void* mem, size_t n)
- public void* move (void* dest, void* src, size_t n)
- OsInfoKey
- public const string BUG_REPORT_URL
- public const string DOCUMENTATION_URL
- public const string HOME_URL
- public const string ID
- public const string NAME
- public const string PRETTY_NAME
- public const string PRIVACY_POLICY_URL
- public const string SUPPORT_URL
- public const string VERSION
- public const string VERSION_CODENAME
- public const string VERSION_ID
- Path
- public const char DIR_SEPARATOR
- public const string DIR_SEPARATOR_S
- public const char SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR
- public const string SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR_S
- public string build_filename (string first_element, ...)
- public string build_filename_valist (string first_element, va_list args)
- public string build_path (string separator, string first_element, ...)
- public string get_basename (string file_name)
- public string get_dirname (string file_name)
- public bool is_absolute (string file_name)
- public bool is_dir_separator (unichar c)
- public unowned string skip_root (string file_name)
- Priority
- public const int DEFAULT
- public const int DEFAULT_IDLE
- public const int HIGH
- public const int HIGH_IDLE
- public const int LOW
- Process
- public SignalHandlerFunc @signal (ProcessSignal signum, SignalHandlerFunc handler)
Sets the error handler for signal sig.
- public void abort ()
Causes abnormal program termination unless ABRT is being caught by a signal handler passed to signal and the handler does not return.
- public bool check_exit_status (int wait_status) throws Error
- public bool check_wait_status (int wait_status) throws Error
- public void close_pid (Pid pid)
- public bool core_dump (int status)
Returns true if the child process exited and triggered a core dump
- public void exit (int status)
Causes normal program termination to occur.
- public int exit_status (int status)
Returns the exit status if the process exited
- public bool if_continued (int status)
Returns true if the status was returned for a child process that has continued.
- public bool if_exited (int status)
Returns true if the child process terminated normally
- public bool if_signaled (int status)
Returns true if the child process terminated because of an unhalded signal.
- public bool if_stopped (int status)
Returns a true if the child process stopped.
- public int raise (ProcessSignal sig)
Sends signal sig to the program.
- public bool spawn_async (string? working_directory, string[] argv, string[]? envp, SpawnFlags _flags, SpawnChildSetupFunc? child_setup, out Pid child_pid) throws SpawnError
- public bool spawn_async_with_fds (string? working_directory, string[] argv, string[]? envp, SpawnFlags _flags, SpawnChildSetupFunc? child_setup, out Pid child_pid = null, int stdin_fd = -1, int stdout_fd = -1, int stderr_fd = -1) throws SpawnError
- public bool spawn_async_with_pipes (string? working_directory, string[] argv, string[]? envp, SpawnFlags _flags, SpawnChildSetupFunc? child_setup, out Pid child_pid, out int standard_input = null, out int standard_output = null, out int standard_error = null) throws SpawnError
- public bool spawn_async_with_pipes_and_fds (string? working_directory, string[] argv, string[]? envp, SpawnFlags _flags, SpawnChildSetupFunc? child_setup, int stdin_fd, int stdout_fd, int stderr_fd, int[] source_fds, int[] target_fds, out Pid child_pid, out int standard_input = null, out int standard_output = null, out int standard_error = null) throws SpawnError
- public bool spawn_command_line_async (string command_line) throws SpawnError
- public bool spawn_command_line_sync (string command_line, out string standard_output = null, out string standard_error = null, out int wait_status = null) throws SpawnError
- public bool spawn_sync (string? working_directory, string[] argv, string[]? envp, SpawnFlags _flags, SpawnChildSetupFunc? child_setup, out string standard_output = null, out string standard_error = null, out int wait_status = null) throws SpawnError
- public ProcessSignal stop_sig (int status)
Returns the signal number of the signal caused the child process to stop when GLib.Process.if_stopped is true
- public ProcessSignal term_sig (int status)
Returns the ID of the signal that forced the child process to terminate.
- Random
- public bool boolean ()
- public double double_range (double begin, double end)
- public int32 int_range (int32 begin, int32 end)
- public double next_double ()
- public uint32 next_int ()
- public void set_seed (uint32 seed)
- Shell
- public bool parse_argv (string command_line, out string[] argvp) throws ShellError
- public string quote (string unquoted_string)
- public string unquote (string quoted_string) throws ShellError
- Slice
- public void* alloc (size_t block_size)
- public void* alloc0 (size_t block_size)
- public void* copy (size_t block_size, void* mem_block)
- public void free (size_t block_size, void* mem_block)
- public void free_chain_with_offset (size_t block_size, void* mem_chain, size_t next_offset)
- public int64 get_config (SliceConfig ckey)
- public int64[] get_config_state (SliceConfig ckey, int64 address)
- public void set_config (SliceConfig ckey, int64 value)
- SpacedPrimes
- Test
- public void add (string testpath, void* fixture, TestFixtureFunc fsetup, TestFixtureFunc ftest, TestFixtureFunc fteardown)
- public void add_data_func (string testpath, owned TestDataFunc test_funcvoid)
- public void add_data_func_full (string testpath, owned TestDataFunc test_func)
- public void add_func (string testpath, owned TestFunc test_funcvoid)
- public void assert_expected_messages ()
- public void bug (string bug_uri_snippet)
- public void bug_base (string uri_pattern)
- public string build_filename (FileType file_type, string[] path_segments)
- public void expect_message (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_level, string pattern)
- public void fail ()
- public void fail_printf (string format, ...)
- public bool failed ()
- public unowned string get_dir (FileType file_type)
- public unowned string get_filename (FileType file_type, string[] path_segments)
- public unowned string get_path ()
- public void incomplete (string? msg = null)
- public void incomplete_printf (string format, ...)
- public void init (ref unowned string[] args, ...)
- public bool initialized ()
- public void log_set_fatal_handler (LogFatalFunc log_func)
- public void maximized_result (double maximized_quantity, string format, ...)
- public void message (string format, ...)
- public void minimized_result (double minimized_quantity, string format, ...)
- public bool perf ()
- public bool quick ()
- public bool quiet ()
- public bool rand_bit ()
- public double rand_double ()
- public double rand_double_range (double begin, double end)
- public int32 rand_int ()
- public int32 rand_int_range (int32 begin, int32 end)
- public int run ()
- public void set_nonfatal_assertions ()
- public void skip (string? msg = null)
- public void skip_printf (string format, ...)
- public bool slow ()
- public bool subprocess ()
- public void summary (string summary)
- public bool thorough ()
- public double timer_elapsed ()
- public double timer_last ()
- public void timer_start ()
- public void trap_assert_failed ()
- public void trap_assert_passed ()
- public void trap_assert_stderr (string serrpattern)
- public void trap_assert_stderr_unmatched (string serrpattern)
- public void trap_assert_stdout (string soutpattern)
- public void trap_assert_stdout_unmatched (string soutpattern)
- public bool trap_fork (uint64 usec_timeout, TestTrapFlags test_trap_flags)
- public bool trap_has_passed ()
- public bool trap_reached_timeout ()
- public void trap_subprocess (string? test_path, uint64 usec_timeout, TestSubprocessFlags test_flags)
- public bool verbose ()
- Timeout
- public uint add (uint interval, owned SourceFunc function, int priority = DEFAULT)
- public uint add_full (int priority, uint interval, owned SourceFunc function)
- public uint add_once (uint interval, SourceOnceFunc function)
- public uint add_seconds (uint interval, owned SourceFunc function, int priority = DEFAULT)
- public uint add_seconds_full (int priority, uint interval, owned SourceFunc function)
- Unix
- public bool open_pipe (int[] fds, int flags) throws Error
- public bool set_fd_nonblocking (int fd, bool nonblock) throws Error
- public uint signal_add (int signum, owned SourceFunc handler, int priority = DEFAULT)
- Uuid
- public bool string_is_valid (string str)
- public string string_random ()
- Version
- public const uint @2_26
- public const uint @2_28
- public const uint @2_30
- public const uint @2_32
- public const uint @2_34
- public const uint @2_36
- public const uint @2_38
- public const uint @2_40
- public const uint @2_42
- public const uint @2_44
- public const uint @2_46
- public const uint @2_48
- public const uint @2_50
- public const uint @2_52
- public const uint @2_54
- public const uint @2_56
- public const uint @2_58
- public const uint @2_60
- public const uint @2_62
- public const uint @2_64
- public const uint @2_66
- public const uint @2_68
- public const uint @2_70
- public const uint @2_72
- public const uint CUR_STABLE
- public const uint MAJOR
- public const uint MAX_ALLOWED
- public const uint MICRO
- public const uint MINOR
- public const uint MIN_REQUIRED
- public const uint PREV_STABLE
- public const uint binary_age
- public const uint interface_age
- public const uint major
- public const uint micro
- public const uint minor
- public bool CHECK (uint required_major, uint required_minor = 0, uint required_micro = 0)
- public unowned string? check (uint required_major, uint required_minor = 0, uint required_micro = 0)
- public uint encode (uint major, uint minor)
- Win32
- public const int MSG_HANDLE
- public bool check_windows_version (int major, int minor, int spver, OSType os_type)
- public string error_message (int error)
- public int ftruncate (int f, uint size)
- public string[] get_command_line ()
- public string get_package_installation_directory_of_module (void* hmodule)
- public uint get_windows_version ()
- public string getlocale ()
- public bool have_widechar_api ()
- public bool is_nt_based ()
- public string locale_filename_from_utf8 (string utf8filename)