Object Hierarchy:
[ Compact ]
[ Immutable ]
[ GIR ( name = "utf8" ) ]
[ CCode ( cname = "gchar" , const_cname = "const gchar" , copy_function = "g_strdup" , free_function = "g_free" , get_value_function = "g_value_get_string" , marshaller_type_name = "STRING" , param_spec_function = "g_param_spec_string" , set_value_function = "g_value_set_string" , take_value_function = "g_value_take_string" , type_id = "G_TYPE_STRING" , type_signature = "s" ) ]
public class string
Example: General samples:
public static int main (string[] args) {
string str1 = "U = R * I";
string str2 = "R = U / I";
string str3 = @"$str1; $str2";
// Concat:
// Output: ``U = R * I; R = U / I``
print (str3 + "\n");
// Copy:
// Output: ``0x82e4588 != 0x82e45a8true``
string str4 = str3;
print ("%p != %p\n", str3, str4);
// Compare:
// Output: ``true``
if (str4 == str3) {
print ("true\n");
} else {
print ("false\n");
// Verbatim strings:
// Output:
// ``\tfoo``
// ``bar``
// ``\t``
string str5 = """\tfoo
print (str5);
return 0;
valac --pkg glib-2.0 string.vala
Static methods:
- public static string join (string separator, ...)
- public static string joinv (string? separator, string?[]? str_array)
- public static string nfill (size_t length, char fill_char)
- public char @get (long index)
Returns the byte at the given index
- public unowned string _chomp ()
- public unowned string _chug ()
- public unowned string _delimit (string delimiters, char new_delimiter)
- public unowned string _strip ()
- public int ascii_casecmp (string s2)
- public string ascii_down (ssize_t len = -1)
- public int ascii_ncasecmp (string s2, size_t n)
- public string ascii_up (ssize_t len = -1)
- public void canon (string valid_chars, char substitutor)
- public string casefold (ssize_t len = -1)
- public int char_count (ssize_t max = -1)
- public string chomp ()
Removes trailing whitespace from a string.
- public unowned string chr (ssize_t len, unichar c)
- public string chug ()
Removes leading whitespace from a string.
- public int collate (string str2)
- public string collate_key (ssize_t len = -1)
- public string collate_key_for_filename (ssize_t len = -1)
- public string compress ()
- public string concat (string string2, ...)
- public bool contains (string needle)
Checks if a needle
exists in string
- public string delimit (string delimiters, char new_delimiter)
Converts any delimiter
characters in string to
- public string down (ssize_t len = -1)
- public string dup ()
- public string escape (string? exceptions = null)
- public unichar get_char (long index = 0)
Converts a sequence of bytes encoded as UTF-8 to a Unicode character.
- public unichar get_char_validated (ssize_t max_len = -1)
- public bool get_next_char (ref int index, out unichar c)
Finds the next UTF-8 character in the string after index
- public bool get_prev_char (ref int index, out unichar c)
Finds the previous UTF-8 character in the string before index
- public bool has_prefix (string prefix)
- public bool has_suffix (string suffix)
- public uint hash ()
- public int index_of (string needle, int start_index = 0)
Finds the leftmost occurrence of the given string.
- public int index_of_char (unichar c, int start_index = 0)
Finds the leftmost occurrence of the given Unicode character in a UTF-8
encoded string.
- public int index_of_nth_char (long c)
Converst utf8-char-position to a byte offset.
- public bool is_ascii ()
- public int last_index_of (string needle, int start_index = 0)
Find the rightmost occurrence of the given string.
- public int last_index_of_char (unichar c, int start_index = 0)
Find the rightmost occurrence of the given Unicode character in a UTF-8
encoded string.
- public long len ()
- public string locale_to_utf8 (ssize_t len, out size_t bytes_read, out size_t bytes_written, out Error error = null)
- public string make_valid (ssize_t len = -1)
- public bool match_string (string search_term, bool accept_alternates)
- public string ndup (size_t n)
- public unowned string next_char ()
- public string normalize (ssize_t len = -1, NormalizeMode mode = DEFAULT)
- public unowned string offset (long offset)
- public long pointer_to_offset (string pos)
- public unowned string prev_char ()
- public string printf (...)
- public unowned string rchr (ssize_t len, unichar c)
- public string replace (string old, string replacement, int max_tokens = -1)
Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string
- public string reverse (ssize_t len = -1)
- public unowned string? rstr (string needle)
- public unowned string? rstr_len (ssize_t haystack_len, string needle)
- public int scanf (string format, ...)
Reads the data from string
- public size_t size ()
- public string slice (long start, long end)
Extracts the text from one string and returns a new string.
- public string splice (long start, long end, string? str = null)
Removes a portion of the string and replaces it with something else.
- public string[] split (string delimiter, int max_tokens = 0)
Splits a string into a maximum of max_tokens pieces, using the given
- public string[] split_set (string delimiters, int max_tokens = 0)
- public unowned string? str (string needle)
- public string strip ()
Removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
- public string substring (long offset, long len = -1)
Returns the characters in a string beginning at the specified location
through the specified number of characters.
- public string to_ascii (string? from_locale = null)
- public bool to_bool ()
- public double to_double (out unowned string endptr = null)
- public int to_int ()
- public int64 to_int64 (out unowned string endptr = null, int _base = 0)
- public long to_long (out unowned string endptr = null, int _base = 0)
- public unowned string to_string ()
Converts the value to its equivalent string representation
- public uint64 to_uint64 (out unowned string endptr = null, int _base = 0)
- public ulong to_ulong (out unowned string endptr = null, int _base = 0)
- public string16 to_utf16 (long len = -1, out long items_read = null, out long items_written = null) throws ConvertError
- public string32 to_utf32 (long len = -1, out long items_read = null, out long items_written = null) throws ConvertError
- public string32 to_utf32_fast (long len = -1, out long items_written = null)
- public char[] to_utf8 ()
Returns the string as a UTF-8 char array
- public string[] tokenize_and_fold (string transit_locale, out string[] ascii_alternates)
- public string up (ssize_t len = -1)
- public unowned string utf8_offset (long offset)
- public bool valid_char (int index)
Checks whether valid string character starts at specified index.
- public bool validate (ssize_t max_len = -1, out char* end = null)
- public bool validate_len (size_t max_len, out char* end = null)
- public string vprintf (va_list args)