Object Hierarchy:
[ SimpleType ]
[ GIR ( name = "gint8" ) ]
[ CCode ( cname = "gchar" , cprefix = "g_ascii_" , default_value = "\'\\0\'" , get_value_function = "g_value_get_schar" , marshaller_type_name = "CHAR" , set_value_function = "g_value_set_schar" , type_id = "G_TYPE_CHAR" , type_signature = "y" ) ]
[ IntegerType ( max = 127 , min = 0 , rank = 2 ) ]
public struct char
Static methods:
- public static char max (char a, char b)
- public static char min (char a, char b)
- public char clamp (char low, char high)
- public int digit_value ()
- public bool isalnum ()
Determines whether a character is alphanumeric.
- public bool isalpha ()
Determines whether a character is alphabetic (i.e. a letter).
- public bool iscntrl ()
Determines whether a character is a control character.
- public bool isdigit ()
Determines whether a character is digit (0-9).
- public bool isgraph ()
Determines whether a character is a printing character and not a space.
- public bool islower ()
Determines whether a character is an ASCII lower case letter.
- public bool isprint ()
Determines whether a character is a printing character.
- public bool ispunct ()
Determines whether a character is a punctuation character.
- public bool isspace ()
Determines whether a character is a white-space character.
- public bool isupper ()
Determines whether a character is an ASCII upper case letter.
- public bool isxdigit ()
Determines whether a character is a hexadecimal-digit character.
- public string to_string (string format = "%c")
Converts the value to its equivalent string representation
- public char tolower ()
- public char toupper ()
- public int xdigit_value ()