- Aligned
- AtomicInt
- AtomicPointer
- AtomicUint
- Base64
- Bit
- CharacterSet
- ChildWatch -
- DirUtils
- Environ
- Environment
- FileUtils
- Filename
- Hostname
- Idle
- Intl
- KeyFileDesktop
- Log
- Markup
- Math
- Memory
- OsInfoKey
- Path
- Priority
- Process
- Random
- Shell
- Slice
- SpacedPrimes
- Test
- Timeout
- Unix
- Uuid
- Version
- Win32
- Array -
- AsyncQueue -
- BookmarkFile
- BusName
- ByteArray
- Bytes
- Checksum -
- ChildWatchSource
- Completion
- DateTime
- Dir -
- Error -
- FileStream - Used to control a I/O stream
- GenericArray -
- GenericSet
- HashTable -
- Hmac
- IOChannel -
- IOSource
- IdleSource
- KeyFile -
- List -
- MainContext
- MainContextPusher
- MainLoop -
- MappedFile -
- MarkupParseContext -
- MatchInfo
- MemVTable
- MutexLocker
- Node
- ObjectPath
- OptionContext -
- OptionGroup
- PatternSpec -
- Private
- PtrArray -
- Queue -
- RWLockReaderLocker
- RWLockWriterLocker
- Rand
- RecMutexLocker
- RefString
- Regex
- SList
- Scanner
- Sequence -
- SequenceIter -
- Source
- SourceCallbackFuncs
- StringBuilder
- StringChunk
- StrvBuilder
- TestCase
- TestSuite
- Thread -
- ThreadPool -
- TimeZone
- TimeoutSource -
- Timer -
- Tree -
- TreeNode
- Uri
- Variant -
- VariantBuilder -
- VariantDict
- VariantIter -
- VariantType
- Cond -
- Datalist
- Date
- DateDay
- DateYear
- DebugKey
- GenericSetIter
- HashTableIter -
- IConv
- LogField
- MarkupParser -
- Mutex -
- Once
- OptionEntry -
- Pid -
- PollFD
- Quark -
- RWLock -
- RecMutex -
- ScannerConfig
- SourceFuncs
- Stat
- StaticMutex
- StaticPrivate
- StaticRWLock
- StaticRecMutex
- Time - Structure holding a calendar date and time broken down into its components.
- TimeSpan
- TimeVal
- TokenValue
- UTimBuf - Specifies access and modification times for a files
- UriParamsIter
- pointer
- ByteOrder
- ChecksumType
- CompareOperator - Comparison operators for use with GLib.assert_cmp*() functions
- DateDMY
- DateMonth
- DateWeekday
- ErrorType
- FileSeek
- FileSetContentsFlags
- FileTest -
- FormatSizeFlags
- IOCondition
- IOFlags
- IOStatus
- KeyFileFlags
- LocaleCategory
- LogLevelFlags
- LogWriterOutput
- MainContextFlags
- MarkupParseFlags
- NormalizeMode
- OnceStatus
- OptionArg -
- OptionFlags
- ProcessSignal
- RegexCompileFlags
- RegexMatchFlags
- SeekType
- SliceConfig
- SpawnFlags
- TestSubprocessFlags
- TestTrapFlags
- ThreadPriority
- TimeType
- TokenType
- TraverseFlags
- TraverseType
- UnicodeBreakType
- UnicodeScript
- UnicodeType
- UriFlags
- UriHideFlags
- UriParamsFlags
- UserDirectory
Error domains:
- BookmarkFileError
- ConvertError
- FileError
- IOChannelError
- KeyFileError
- MarkupError
- NumberParserError
- OptionError
- RegexError
- ShellError
- SpawnError
- ThreadError
- UriError
- VariantParseError
- public const ByteOrder BYTE_ORDER
- public const string OPTION_REMAINING
- public delegate bool ArraySearchFunc<G,T> (G element, T needle)
- public delegate void ChildWatchFunc (Pid pid, int wait_status)
- public delegate int CompareDataFunc<G> (G a, G b)
- public delegate int CompareFunc<G> (G a, G b)
- public delegate string CompletionFunc (void* item)
- public delegate int CompletionStrncmpFunc (string s1, string s2, size_t n)
- public delegate G CopyFunc<G> (G src)
- public delegate void DataForeachFunc<G> (Quark key_id, G data)
- public delegate void DestroyNotify (void* data)
- public delegate G DuplicateFunc<G> (G data)
- public delegate bool EqualFunc<G> (G a, G b)
- public delegate bool EqualFuncFull<G> (G a, G b)
- public delegate void FreeFunc (void* data)
- public delegate void Func<G> (G data)
- public delegate void HFunc<K,V> (K key, V value)
- public delegate bool HRFunc<K,V> (K key, V value)
- public delegate uint HashFunc<K> (K key)
- public delegate bool IOFunc (IOChannel source, IOCondition condition)
- public delegate bool LogFatalFunc (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_levels, string message)
- public delegate void LogFunc (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_levels, string message)
- public delegate LogWriterOutput LogWriterFunc (LogLevelFlags log_level, LogField[] fields)
- public delegate void MarkupParserEndElementFunc (MarkupParseContext context, string element_name) throws MarkupError
- public delegate void MarkupParserErrorFunc (MarkupParseContext context, Error error)
- public delegate void MarkupParserPassthroughFunc (MarkupParseContext context, string passthrough_text, size_t text_len) throws MarkupError
- public delegate void MarkupParserStartElementFunc (MarkupParseContext context, string element_name, string[] attribute_names, string[] attribute_values) throws MarkupError
- public delegate void MarkupParserTextFunc (MarkupParseContext context, string text, size_t text_len) throws MarkupError
- public delegate void NodeForeachFunc<G> (Node<G> node)
- public delegate bool NodeTraverseFunc<G> (Node<G> node)
- public delegate G OnceFunc<G> ()
- public delegate bool OptionArgFunc (string option_name, string val, void* data) throws OptionError
- public delegate void OptionErrorFunc (OptionContext context, OptionGroup group, void* data, ref Error error)
- public delegate bool OptionParseFunc (OptionContext context, OptionGroup group, void* data) throws OptionError
- public delegate int PollFunc (PollFD[] ufds, int timeout_)
- public delegate void PrintFunc (string text)
- public delegate bool RegexEvalCallback (MatchInfo match_info, StringBuilder result)
- public delegate void ScannerMsgFunc (Scanner scanner, string message, bool error)
- public delegate int SearchFunc<G,T> (G a, T b)
- public delegate int SequenceIterCompareFunc<G> (SequenceIter<G> a, SequenceIter<G> b)
- public delegate void SignalHandlerFunc (int signum)
- public delegate void SourceCallbackGetFunc (void* cb_data, Source source, SourceFunc func)
- public delegate void SourceCallbackRefFunc (void* cb_data)
- public delegate void SourceCallbackUnrefFunc (void* cb_data)
- public delegate bool SourceCheckFunc (Source source)
- public delegate bool SourceDispatchFunc (Source source, SourceFunc? _callback)
- public delegate void SourceDisposeFunc (Source source)
- public delegate void SourceDummyMarshal ()
- public delegate void SourceFinalizeFunc (Source source)
- public delegate bool SourceFunc ()
- public delegate bool SourceOnceFunc ()
- public delegate bool SourcePrepareFunc (Source source, out int timeout_)
- public delegate void SpawnChildSetupFunc ()
- public delegate void TestDataFunc ()
- public delegate void TestFixtureFunc (void* fixture)
- public delegate void TestFunc ()
- public delegate G ThreadFunc<G> ()
- public delegate void ThreadPoolFunc<G> (owned G data)
- public delegate unowned string TranslateFunc (string str)
- public delegate bool TraverseFunc<K,V> (K key, V value)
- public delegate bool TraverseNodeFunc<K,V> (TreeNode<K,V> node)
- public delegate int TreeSearchFunc<K> (K key)
- public delegate void VoidFunc ()
- public unowned string C_ (string context, string str)
- public unowned string NC_ (string context, string str)
- public unowned string N_ (string str)
- public unowned string Q_ (string str)
- public unowned string _ (string str)
- public void assert (bool expr)
- public void assert_cmpfloat (double n1, CompareOperator cmp, double n2)
- public void assert_cmpfloat_with_epsilon (double n1, double n2, double epsilon)
- public void assert_cmphex (uint n1, CompareOperator cmp, uint n2)
- public void assert_cmpint (int n1, CompareOperator cmp, int n2)
- public void assert_cmpmem (uint8[] m1, uint8[] m2)
- public void assert_cmpstr (string? s1, CompareOperator cmp, string? s2)
- public void assert_cmpstrv (string[] strv1, string[] strv2)
- public void assert_cmpuint (uint n1, CompareOperator cmp, uint n2)
- public void assert_cmpvariant (Variant v1, Variant v2)
- public void assert_error (Error? error, Quark error_domain, int error_code)
- public void assert_false (bool expr)
- public void assert_no_error (Error? error)
- public void assert_nonnull (void* expr)
- public void assert_not_reached ()
- public void assert_null (void* expr)
- public void assert_true (bool expr)
- public void breakpoint ()
- public string convert (string str, ssize_t len, string to_codeset, string from_codeset, out size_t bytes_read = null, out size_t bytes_written = null) throws ConvertError
- public string convert_with_fallback (string str, ssize_t len, string to_codeset, string from_codeset, string? fallback = null, out size_t bytes_read = null, out size_t bytes_written = null) throws ConvertError
- public string convert_with_iconv (string str, ssize_t len, IConv converter, out size_t bytes_read = null, out size_t bytes_written = null) throws ConvertError
- public void critical (string format, ...)
- public unowned string dcgettext (string? domain, string msgid, int category)
- public void debug (string format, ...)
- public void debug_here ()
- public unowned string dgettext (string? domain, string msgid)
- public unowned string dngettext (string? domain, string msgid, string msgid_plural, ulong n)
- public unowned string dpgettext (string? domain, string msgctxid, size_t msgidoffset)
- public unowned string dpgettext2 (string? domain, string context, string msgid)
- public void error (string format, ...)
- public string format_size (uint64 size, FormatSizeFlags flags = DEFAULT)
- public string format_size_for_display (int64 size)
- public void free (void* mem)
- public bool get_charset (out unowned string charset)
- public bool get_console_charset (out unowned string[] charsets)
- public bool get_filename_charsets (out unowned string[] charsets)
- public int64 get_monotonic_time ()
- public uint get_num_processors ()
- public int64 get_real_time ()
- public unowned string gettext (string str)
- public void info (string format, ...)
- public bool likely (bool expression)
- public void log (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_level, string format, ...)
- public void log_structured (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_levels, ...)
- public void log_structured_array (LogLevelFlags log_levels, LogField[] fields)
- public void log_variant (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_levels, Variant fields)
- public void logv (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_level, string format, va_list args)
- public void* malloc (size_t n_bytes)
- public void* malloc0 (size_t n_bytes)
- public bool mem_is_system_malloc ()
- public void mem_profile ()
- public void mem_set_vtable (MemVTable vtable)
- public void message (string format, ...)
- public unowned string ngettext (string msgid, string msgid_plural, ulong n)
- public void on_error_query (string? prg_name = null)
- public void on_error_stack_trace (string? prg_name = null)
- public uint parse_debug_string (string? debug_string, DebugKey[] keys)
- public int poll (PollFD[] fds, int timeout)
- public void print (string format, ...)
- public void printerr (string format, ...)
- public void qsort_with_data<T> (T[] elems, size_t size, CompareDataFunc<T> compare_func)
- public void* realloc (void* mem, size_t n_bytes)
- public void return_if_fail (bool expr)
- public void return_if_reached ()
- public void return_val_if_fail (bool expr, ...)
- public void return_val_if_reached (...)
- public void set_print_handler (PrintFunc func)
- public void set_printerr_handler (PrintFunc func)
- public void static_assert (bool expression)
- public string strdup (string str)
- public string[] strdupv (string[] str_array)
- public unowned string strerror (int errnum)
Returns a string corresponding to the given error code, e.g. "no such process".
- public void strfreev (unowned string** str_array)
- public unowned string strsignal (int signum)
- public bool strv_contains (string[] str_array, string str)
- public uint strv_length (string[] str_array)
- public void* try_malloc (size_t n_bytes)
- public void* try_malloc0 (size_t n_bytes)
- public void* try_realloc (void* mem, size_t n_bytes)
- public bool unlikely (bool expression)
- public void warn_if_fail (bool expr)
- public void warn_if_reached ()
- public void warning (string format, ...)
- public void warning_once (string format, ...)
- public EqualFunc<void*> direct_equal
- public HashFunc<void*> direct_hash
- public EqualFunc<double?> double_equal
- public HashFunc<double?> double_hash
- public int errno
A preprocessor macro that expands to a thread-local modifiable lvalue of type int.
- public DestroyNotify g_free
- public DestroyNotify g_list_free
- public DestroyNotify g_variant_unref
- public EqualFunc<int64?> int64_equal
- public HashFunc<int64?> int64_hash
- public EqualFunc<int?> int_equal
- public HashFunc<int?> int_hash
- public MemVTable mem_profiler_table
- public FileStream stderr
The error stream
- public FileStream stdin
The input stream
- public FileStream stdout
The output stream
- public EqualFunc<string> str_equal
- public HashFunc<string> str_hash
- public CompareFunc<string?> strcmp
- public EqualFunc<string[]> strv_equal