Object Hierarchy:
Example: Mounts:
public static void print_mount (Mount mount, string title) {
print ("%s:\n", title);
print (" name: %s\n", mount.get_name ());
print (" uuid: %s\n", mount.get_uuid ());
print (" can-eject: %s\n", mount.can_eject ().to_string ());
print (" can-unmount: %s\n", mount.can_unmount ().to_string ());
print (" is-shadowed: %s\n", mount.is_shadowed ().to_string ());
print (" default-location: %s\n", mount.get_default_location ().get_path ());
print (" icon: %s\n", mount.get_icon ().to_string ());
print (" root: %s\n", mount.get_root ().get_path ());
try {
string[] types = mount.guess_content_type_sync (false);
print (" guess-content-type:\n");
foreach (unowned string type in types) {
print (" %s\n", type);
} catch (Error e) {
print ("Error: %s\n", e.message);
public static int main (string[] args) {
MainLoop loop = new MainLoop ();
VolumeMonitor monitor = VolumeMonitor.get ();
// Print a list of the mounts on the system:
List<Mount> mounts = monitor.get_mounts ();
foreach (Mount mount in mounts) {
print_mount (mount, "Available");
// Emitted when a mount is added:
monitor.mount_added.connect ((mount) => {
print_mount (mount, "Mount added");
// Emitted when a mount changes:
monitor.mount_changed.connect ((mount) => {
// See GLib.Mount.changed
print_mount (mount, "Mount changed");
// Emitted when a mount is about to be removed:
monitor.mount_pre_unmount.connect ((mount) => {
// See GLib.Mount.pre_unmount
print_mount (mount, "Mount pre-unmount");
// Emitted when a mount is removed:
monitor.mount_removed.connect ((mount) => {
// See GLib.Mount.unmounted
print_mount (mount, "Mount removed");
}); ();
return 0;
valac --pkg gio-2.0 GLib.Mount.vala
Namespace: GLib
Package: gio-2.0
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object